Benefits of Food Tin Packaging

There is always a topic about topic of food tin can packaging safety. In this case, below is a brief answer about the use, safety and function of food tin box packages.

First of all, tin box packaging is not only used in the food packaging industry. Tin cans are made from different materials, such as aluminum, tinplate, stainless steel and so on. Tin box packaging application scope is also more and more widely, and we can see cosmetics tin box, tea tin box, gift packaging tin box, alcohol and tobacco tin box, etc. in daily life.

The main material for the food tin package used is tinplate, but the food tin box package is divided into two categories because of the different production processes, one is the standard tin and the other is miscellaneous tin cans. Briefly speaking, the standard tin is produced with uniform national standards and they are food contact directly allowed, such as milk powder cans,  red bull cans and so on, the miscellaneous cans, such as tea tins, mooncake tins, etc.

Specific food box packaging benefits are as follows:

First, a tin box has a very good isolation effect, its airtightness is far higher than other packaging materials, and it can be moisture-proof, waterproof, dustproof and corrosion-proof.

Second, tin packaging has a great advantage in the process of transportation, which can protect products from damage.

Third, tin package looks more exquisite, with vivid patterns and bright colors.

Fourth, the tin box is more environmentally friendly, it can be recycled and reprocessed to store other objects.

MJH food tin box packaging.

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